Tuesday 11 October 2011

Strategies to reach my goals

Goal (1) I wish to raise my focusing level at work and goal (2) I wish to accomplish a faster typing speed.
Strategy : To be the minute typers for all meetings until end of December.To type 1 article per week and do a listening and typing exercise.
Goal (3)I hope to improve my customer satisfaction.
Strategy : To implement a smile log system.
Goal (4)I hope to mentor Geraldine to pass her probation.
Strategy: Go through the orientation checklist with her to see where she needs help on.
Goal (5) to take up the leadership position.
To be more verbal and proactive during work.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

My Goals in the program.

I have a few goals in these training program.
The first is to increase my focus/concentration level at work.
Currently,while working,I am focusing at 60% level.I wish to raise my focusing level at work to 70%,thus getting a task done faster.For example,at 60% focusing level,I'll take 20 mins to send 2 emails.I hope that after increasing my focus level,I only need 15 mins to complete the same task.
I also wish to accomplish a faster typing speed.Now,I may take 10 minutes to accomplish a typing task.A few months down the road,I hope to finish the same task in 5 minutes.
I wish to improve on my customer service skills.Currently,the customer satisfaction may be only 60%.A few months later,I hope to improve my customer satisfaction to 70%.
Right now,i am mentoring Vc and Grd.I am teaching them to do the opening,closing...
Grd hasn't pass her probation.Hope that I can be a good mentor to her and help her pass her probation.Will try to guide her all I know about loaning of books,renewals,photocopying,proceduces for Pc usage...
Hopefully,these will be enough for her to pass her probation.
SJ might be leaving the library for open employment soon.When that happens,I'be the most "senior" in the libray and this might put me in a leadership position.Another goal is to take up the leadership position and lead the team forward. 

Wednesday 14 September 2011

another day at work.

It's been another day of borrowing,returning and renewing of books for me.
Besides that,have to coach V the counting of petty cash.Also,have to do carwash...
It's another eventful day of work.

Thursday 8 September 2011

All peaceful and quiet.

All is quiet and peaceful for the past few days.The past few days at work is quite normal,borrowing and returning of books,doing the date due stamp labels,counting petty cash.
There is a new trainee yesterday V.He is transfered from receptionist department.He is still learning hard all the new stuff in the library.
Looking foward to work with him.
SH is leaving us quite soon.He will be leaving this Friday.He has been with us for about two months and it's great working with him.
Rj has just graduated from the course.The library is a bit quieter without her.She has been a great help to me when she's here.Really missing her and her newpaper.
Have been absent from the karaoke singing last week.Couldn't wake up in the morning....